Lusha ExtensionLusha Extension

Extract Leads Emails & Phone Numbers in Seconds

Extract any email & phone number by simply visiting a LinkedIn profile.
Install Lusha’s free browser extension today!

No credit card required

Lusha Extension Details

What does Lusha provide

The highest
accuracy rate

We are the best in the business providing you the most accurate work phone numbers & emails.

Reach your
prospects directly

Close Faster: During COVID-19 cell phones are the best way to reach a prospect

Integrates with leading CRMs

Seamless integration with Salesforce, Hubspot & Outreach

I couldn’t honestly imagine working without Lusha. Game changer.

Eric Lindroos

Recruiter, Gong

Trusted by the top companies in the world

Over +280,000 companies prefer Lusha to connect with prospects, convert more leads and increase their revenue

CCPA compliant & GDPR compliant

Full compliance with all laws and legislation.





Get Started with Lusha