Lusha Extension

Turn Prospects
into Sales

Find any email & phone number by simply visiting a LinkedIn profile. Install Lusha’s free browser extension today!

What does Lusha provide

The highest
accuracy rate

We are the best in providing the most accurate phone numbers & emails.

Get free
contacts for life

We give you free contacts every month.

Start using Lusha
in 60 seconds

Immediately reach out to future customers.

Reach 100M+
prospects directly

During COVID-19 the phone is the best way to reach your prospects.

I've made my money back, tenfold with Lusha. I tell all of the BDRs to get Lusha.

Chancellor Corbett Business Development Consultant, NetSuite

Our customers
love us.
We’ve gotten
top marks on G2!

GDPR compliant and CCPA compliant

Prospect according to all laws and legislation. Lusha is ISO 27001 certified and GDPR compliant and CCPA compliant, for total peace of mind.

Get Started with Lusha