Lusha Prospecting

Find Emails & Phone Numbers in Seconds

Find any email and phone number with Lusha's free prospecting platform. Easily build accurate lists that turn more prospects
into customers. Sign up for free!

What does Lusha provide

Build laser-targeted lists quickly

Use advanced search filters to build an accurate prospect list.

Cut your
prospecting time

Find your ideal customers and target accounts in seconds.

Reach out to key decision-makers

Get 110M direct dials and emails to connect with all the right people.

Seamlessly integrate to your CRM

Automate the process to race the leads through the funnel

Seamlessly integrate to your CRM

Drive more qualified prospects and seamlessly transfer them with direct integrations to your CRM.

I've made my money back, tenfold with Lusha. I tell all of the BDRs to get Lusha.

Chancellor Corbett Business Development Consultant, NetSuite

GDPR compliant and CCPA compliant

Prospect according to all laws and legislation. Lusha is ISO 27001 certified and GDPR compliant & CCPA compliant, for total peace of mind.

Get Started with Lusha Prospecting